Why would anyone wake up at 5 a.m.?!?

Ajda Frankovič
2 min readNov 29, 2016

You’d probably respond with “You’re crazy!” if I told you I wake up at 5 a.m. every day. Even on weekends. But I could respond with the exact same phrase to you telling me you wake up at seven or later. And to that you sleep in on weekends. ;)

I think you’re missing out a lot by not being awake at those beautiful hours. Just try once. Everything is quiet. You can see the stars fade as the sun is moving closer and closer to the horizon and you can catch the first beams of sunlight carefully caressing your skin accompanied with those strong yet gentle colors. You can enjoy the dawn. You can hear the birds waking up the rest with their chatty singing. You have time to take a warm shower or bath, to prepare your favorite food. You can smell this fresh morning air and you have time to eat breakfast without being in rush.

That’s what I marvel at in the mornings

You get more than enough time to take waking up easy, time to establish your morning routine, and some time for yourself which ensures a great start of the day. You get two extra hours to do whatever you like when everybody else is still sleeping. If you’re into getting really good at something, these two hours are there for you to use them to your advantage. Read, write, exercise, cook, study, meditate, watch series, explore, experiment, create, work, clean up… Whatever, really.

Result of using these hours for doing something you love or maybe just something that makes you feel good like completing a difficult task is a big smile on your face. The day is instantly better. The same happens the next day and the day after and then the following one. You unconsciously get a more positive attitude towards life and the quality of your life suddenly rises.

I think it’s worth it. ✌



Ajda Frankovič

My experiences are my inspiration, a future me is my motivation.